How I Cured My Psoriasis and Why Sooner is Better Than Later

After years of research, it finally all made sense. The writing was on the walls, and the doctors lied or were oblivious to it all. I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. This is how I went from a 10 to a 1 in 3 months.

Oktas 1 Protocol

I am going straight to the how, and then you can read about the when, what, and why. I have read hundreds, if not thousands, of different posts and articles and tried them all. I was desperate. Then it hit me, and what happened next was absolutely amazing and incredibly easy!

I scoured forums, chat rooms, support groups, and more. I even read articles dating from the 1800s that doctors and others uploaded to the Internet.

Then I saw a post that everyone had overlooked on Reddit.

" I took 1000mg of L-Lysine and a mold cleanse and mine cleared up".

After that people posted: "I quit smoking, I quit coffee, I meditated, I sunbathed, I soaked in salt, I did a sun booth, I did the carnivore diet, I did the gluten free diet, I did the veggie diet, I quit nightshades, I don't eat anything that comes from seeds". It went on and on, overlooking two simple things. L Lysine Benefits and Mold Cleanse.

At that time, L lysine was $9.98, and mold cleanses did vary. However, I went with Codeage Full Spectrum because it had awesome reviews, and the first review said it cleared my psoriasis. 


It seems way too easy, right? So far, many people have reported back, and all are 100% positive feedback. 

Below are my actual pictures. When I was going through this, I was not at my worst; this is when it was going away. I was so sick the last thing I even thought about was taking pictures, and I never thought I would be helping others.  I'm not religious, but God has a plan for me. And that is what brought you here.

Why it is Extremely Important to Get it Gone Sooner Than Later

Psoriasis is a nasty disease that causes havoc on your entire body. Some people report having lung and breathing issues before seeing outbreaks or before the outbreaks become severe. I was one of them.  One thing many doctors did not tell me, and some did, was that psoriasis also causes psoriatic arthritis.  When you start looking up arthritis, you will learn that arthritis can cause permanent damage to the joints and can also affect your lungs. 

Below are pictures of me when I was clearing up, I was in such bad shape and never thought of taking pictures until then. 

I went to well over ten doctors.

I was officially diagnosed with: 

Plaque Psoriasis
Ear (inside and out)
Inverse or Fluxural Psoriasis I it was in my crotch area, and my underarms, belly button etc.


August 15, 2010

Just another regular day, got out of bed in a great mood, looking forward to another day of great creativity and motivation. I had a cup of coffee and hopped in the shower to find that I had a spot on my scalp about the size of a nickel that was raised and itchy. I shrugged it off and as the days went by it only got worse. 

At this point in my life, I was very fortunate to find the greatest dermatologist known to mankind, Dr. William Waidhoffer. He was an old-school dermatologist who sat on the board in Houston, Texas. He was extremely kind and sensitive and spent the time listening to your frustration. I found him after seeing ten-plus dermatologists prior for other scalp and skin issues. He was extremely affordable and gave me free samples every time I visited.  He was a doctor who hated big pharma and was not holding back. He knew how the prescription meds worked and cursed them many times. Over the 20 years I had visited him, he wrote one prescription for me. It was an extremely mild steroid called  1% Hydrochortisol with 1% iodoquinol ( for my groin area, that I used for well over ten years when needed)

I started with Sinus infections in the 90's

I was getting sinus infections every 4 months, seriously bad ones, green snot, felt horrible. They would give me a steriod shot and it would clear right up. The doctor warned me that I could only do so many of them. But at the time it was my only alternative. The last steroid shot I had late evening and the next morning I woke to my eyes hurting to light. Any light. and they were super red. I went to an eye doctor immediately and they said I had Uveitis and needed to see a specialist or I could go blind. So I did of course and the doc was shocked as I was young. Many blood test later (usually uveitis comes from a tic bite) and negative for lime disease the doc was baffled. I had to put steroid drops, pressure drops, and drops to dilate my eyes for 10 months. He refused to believe it was the steroids and told me more than likely, it would come back. Imagine having your eyes dialed all day, every day for 10 months. That was around 2010ish. I found a doctor that had a son that had the same issues as me and created a supplement called andrographis ( which I keep in my cabinet to this day) and started taking it as soon as I was feeling a sinus infection coming on and I was terrified at this point because I knew I was not going to do a steroid shot. It worked for the most part, and I finally had a turbinate coblation. This was a game-changer. I've never had another sinus infection since. Also at this point I'm 99.9% psoriasis free. THANK GOD. I was covered head to toe with the psoriasis. Miserable. I was looking at robin Williams exit. depressed, messed up in the head, drinking like a fish. I did every diet, tried 100's of creams and steroid ointments. it is absolutely a fungis and mold is a fungis and when it gets in your system it stays. The reason the carnivore diet worked for many was simple, the amino acids. red meat and pork absolutely give me nail psoriasis, so when I did the carnivore diet it was chicken,fish and turkey. no condiments. 3 months. horrible. so it hit me after a girl posted on here .... she was taking L lysine.... 1000mg a day (you get most of this from red meat). So I started with that and it stopped the itch after about 12 days. Step 1, no more itching and hot showers, that was a game changer. Step 2. Then I got on a mold cleanse for a month, it started clearing up, but still my ears and scalp would not heal, jock itch was easily maintained but always came back. Then I made my own cream (very complicated and expensive) and now I cant stop touching my stomach as it feels weird with my skin smooth. or my ears. I keep worrying it will come back but it has not, it has been a month now. no more jock itch, no more scalp psoriasis, zero on my ears, my legs, torso, ass, back, kneck, it was like a bad dream, except I still have scars all over, especially my legs. I just tell folks I saved a kitten from a burning house, lol . however, I am trying scar creams now. I am also working with others to make the cream, but it is not easy. I have sent it to a few people and all have gotten better so far. there is 2 million plus different types of mold/fungi and only 120,000 have been identified as of now. regardless if people think they have not been exposed, they have at one point. Once it gets in your system it is a bitch to get it out and that is why so many are suffering for so long with no results. Everyone has been looking at it all wrong and treating it topically, not internally.


More coming