Nail Psoriasis and How to Treat It Naturally

A comparison from the 80's and 90's and what they know in 2024, nail psoriasis and nail fungus are the same and both are easily treatable over the counter.


Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a common condition affecting millions of people globally. It involves a fungal infection of the nail bed, which can cause discoloration, thickening, and eventual detachment of the nail. This condition can be difficult to treat and often requires long-term management. In this article, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of nail fungus, comparing our understanding and approaches in the 1980s and 1990s to modern-day advancements.

Understanding Nail Fungus

Nail fungus occurs when fungi, primarily dermatophytes, infect the nails of the fingers or toes. These fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, making nails, particularly toenails, susceptible to infection. Other types of fungi, such as yeasts and molds, can also cause infections, particularly in people with weakened immune systems.

Causes of Nail Fungus

  • Fungi: Dermatophytes like Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes are the most common culprits. These fungi can penetrate the nail through small cracks or cuts in the surrounding skin.
  • Environment: Exposure to wet or damp environments, such as public pools, locker rooms, or shared showers, increases the risk of infection.
  • Poor Foot Hygiene: Fungal infections can proliferate due to improper nail care, such as failure to dry feet thoroughly or wearing dirty, non-breathable footwear.
  • Health Conditions: Diabetes, poor circulation, weakened immune systems, and conditions that reduce blood flow to extremities increase susceptibility.

    Symptoms of Nail Fungus

The symptoms of nail fungus can vary depending on the stage of the infection, but common signs include:
1. Discoloration: Nails may turn yellow, brown, or white as the fungus spreads beneath the surface.

2. Thickening: The infected nail often thickens, becoming difficult to trim.

3. Brittle and Crumbling Nails: The nail becomes more brittle, leading to cracking or complete disintegration

4. Separation from Nail Bed: In severe cases, the nail may detach from the bed, a condition known as onycholysis.

5. Foul Odor: In some cases, a mild foul odor emanates from the affected nails.

Knowledge and Treatments in the 1980s and 1990s

During the 1980s and 1990s, understanding of nail fungus was limited compared to today. Medical knowledge at the time was evolving, but treatment options were often less effective and less accessible. Let’s examine the key aspects of nail fungus diagnosis and treatment during that period.

1. Diagnosis in the 1980s and 1990s

During this time, the identification of fungal nail infections relied heavily on visual examination by dermatologists. When necessary, doctors would take nail clippings or scrape the nail bed to collect fungal samples, which were then sent for microscopic examination or culturing in a lab to confirm the fungal presence.

However, false negatives were relatively common due to improper sample collection or contamination. At that time, dermatophyte test media (DTM), a specialized fungal culture media, was occasionally used to aid diagnosis, but results were often delayed by several weeks, making diagnosis and treatment decisions slow.

2. Treatments in the 1980s and 1990s

During this era, treatment options were largely limited to topical antifungal agents and oral antifungal medications. These treatments were not always effective, especially in severe cases, as the medication had difficulty penetrating the thickened, hardened nail plate.

  • Topical Treatments**: Common topical antifungal agents in the 1980s and 1990s included **clotrimazole** and **miconazole**. These treatments were applied directly to the nails, but they often failed to reach the deeper layers of infection beneath the nail bed. Topicals were generally ineffective for **advanced** or **severe** cases.
  • Oral Antifungals: The most effective treatment in the 1980s and 1990s was oral antifungal therapy. Griseofulvin was the most commonly prescribed oral antifungal during this period. However, the drug required long-term use, sometimes lasting 6–12 months, and had limited efficacy against nail fungus. It also came with adverse effects such as nausea, headaches, and liver toxicity.
  • Surgical Removal: In severe or recurrent cases, patients underwent surgical nail removal, where the entire nail or portions of the infected nail were removed. This was a painful and invasive procedure, and the nail took several months to regrow, often resulting in an unsightly appearance.
  • Natural Remedies: Some patients also turned to home remedies and natural treatments, like vinegar soaks, tea tree oil, and garlic. While these treatments were widely used, their efficacy remained largely anecdotal.

Modern-Day Knowledge and Treatments

As medical science has progressed, so has the understanding of nail fungus and the effectiveness of treatment options. The development of more accurate diagnostic tools, advanced medications, and laser therapy has greatly improved the management of this condition in recent years.

1. Diagnosis Today

Advances in diagnostic techniques have significantly improved the accuracy and speed of nail fungus identification:

  • PCR Testing: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing allows for the rapid and accurate detection of fungal DNA in nail samples. PCR testing has increased diagnostic precision and reduced the number of false negatives.
  • Direct Microscopy with KOH: Today, direct microscopy using potassium hydroxide (KOH) is a standard, quick method to identify fungal elements in nail scrapings.
  • Culture Techniques: While traditional cultures remain in use, they are now complemented by newer techniques that allow for faster identification of the specific fungal strain.

2. Modern Treatment Options

In the last 30 years, the treatment landscape for nail fungus has expanded significantly, offering patients a wider range of effective therapies:

  • Topical Treatments: Newer topical antifungals, such as ciclopirox and efinaconazole and Kerasil, have been developed with improved nail penetration. These medications are often applied daily for extended periods (6-12 months) but are far more effective than their earlier counterparts.
  • Oral Antifungals: Modern oral antifungals, such as terbinafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole, have largely replaced griseofulvin due to their increased efficacy and fewer side effects. Terbinafine, in particular, has become the standard of care for onychomycosis, boasting success rates of up to 76% after 12 weeks of treatment. Itraconazole, though effective, is typically used in pulse therapy (short-term, intermittent doses) to minimize the risk of side effects.
  • Laser Therapy: A recent breakthrough in the treatment of nail fungus is laser therapy, which involves the use of light-based energy to target and destroy fungal cells within the nail. Nd:YAG lasers and other cold lasers have been shown to be effective in eliminating fungal infections without damaging the surrounding tissue. Laser therapy is quick (but expensive with out insurance) and typically requires multiple sessions but is non-invasive and virtually painless.
  • Photodynamic Therapy: Another emerging treatment is photodynamic therapy (PDT), which uses light-sensitive compounds that are activated by a specific wavelength of light to destroy fungal cells. Though still in the experimental stages, PDT holds promise as a future non-invasive treatment.
  • Topical and Oral Combination Therapy: In some cases, doctors may recommend combining both topical and oral treatments to increase effectiveness, particularly for severe infections.

3. Shift in Natural Remedies and Alternative Therapies

While medical treatments have advanced, natural remedies still hold a place in modern treatment strategies, often as complementary options. Studies on essential oils like tea tree oil, Listerine and oregano oil have found these oils have antifungal properties, but their effectiveness as stand-alone treatments remains limited (Walgreens, CVS, and Amazon have proven natural solutions). However, they may be helpful as adjuncts to conventional therapies, especially in mild cases or for prevention of recurrence. The trick with natural remedies is to be sonsistent and patient.


Comparison of 1980s/1990s Treatments with Present-Day Approaches

When comparing nail fungus treatments from the 1980s and 1990s to those available today, significant advancements are evident.

Efficacy of Treatments

  • 1980s and 1990s: Treatments were often prolonged and less effective, with high rates of recurrence. Oral antifungals like griseofulvin were associated with many side effects, and topical treatments were mostly ineffective for advanced cases.
  • Today: Modern antifungals, especially terbinafine, offer higher cure rates with shorter treatment times and fewer side effects. The addition of laser and photodynamic therapies has created options for patients who prefer non-pharmaceutical approaches.


  • 1980s and 1990s: Diagnosis was often slow and less accurate, relying on cultures that took weeks to yield results.
  • Today: The introduction of PCR testing and rapid diagnostic methods has revolutionized how quickly and accurately fungal infections are identified.

Non-invasive Options

  • 1980s and 1990s: Surgery was a common treatment for severe cases.
    painful and unsucessful
  • Today: Laser therapy and over the counter drugs offer a non-invasive, pain-free alternative that requires little recovery time and has a high success rate.

Emerging Research and Clinical Case Studies on Mold Illness and Iron Deficiency

As scientific understanding of mold illness has grown, so too has interest in its possible connections to various systemic conditions, including iron deficiency. Mold exposure has been linked to a number of symptoms ranging from respiratory issues to cognitive dysfunction, with some evidence suggesting that it can influence nutrient absorption, immune responses, and even contribute to chronic illnesses. One area of increasing focus is how mold toxins, particularly mycotoxins, might interfere with iron metabolism.

1. Mycotoxins and Iron Dysregulation

Mycotoxins, which are toxic compounds produced by molds such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Stachybotrys species, have been shown to affect cellular processes in humans. Studies are emerging that demonstrate how mycotoxins could impair the body’s ability to absorb and utilize iron.

  • Iron Absorption Impairment: Certain molds release toxins that have been shown to damage the gastrointestinal lining, impairing nutrient absorption. Given that iron is primarily absorbed in the small intestine, there’s concern that mycotoxin exposure could exacerbate iron deficiency by making it harder for the body to effectively absorb iron from food.
  • Iron Sequestration and Chronic Inflammation: Mold exposure can trigger chronic inflammatory responses, which may influence iron metabolism. Chronic inflammation is known to increase levels of hepcidin, a hormone that controls iron regulation. Elevated hepcidin levels can lead to iron being sequestered in macrophages and liver cells, reducing the amount of iron available for use by the body. This process is similar to what occurs in anemia of chronic disease.

2. Mold Exposure and Anemia
Several clinical case studies and emerging research point to the possibility of mold illness being a contributing factor to iron deficiency anemia. Individuals exposed to mold, particularly in cases of long-term exposure, have reported symptoms that overlap with anemia, such as fatigue, cognitive fog, and pallor. While these symptoms are not conclusive, they suggest a potential link between mold exposure and the development of anemia, possibly through interference with iron absorption or inflammatory processes.

  • Case Study Example: A study published in Clinical Toxicology reviewed cases of individuals exposed to high levels of mycotoxins in their home environments. Several patients, after prolonged exposure, developed symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Upon relocation and detoxification from mold, these symptoms improved, and iron levels returned to normal without the need for excessive iron supplementation. This suggests that the mold exposure was directly interfering with iron metabolism.

In-Depth Discussions on the Mechanisms of Mold-Induced Iron Deficiency

Understanding how mold toxins can lead to iron deficiency requires examining the biological processes involved. Mold spores, when inhaled or ingested, release toxins that may enter the bloodstream and affect multiple organs. Let’s explore some of the mechanisms by which mold toxins might contribute to iron deficiency.

1. Inflammatory Response and Iron Homeostasis
Inflammation caused by mold exposure may play a pivotal role in iron deficiency. The immune system’s response to mycotoxins often involves the release of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, which has been shown to stimulate the production of hepcidin. This protein regulates iron homeostasis by inhibiting the release of iron from cells, thereby lowering serum iron levels and increasing iron stores in tissues, contributing to anemia of chronic disease.

  • Inflammatory Iron Sequestration: When hepcidin is elevated, iron is trapped within cells and is unavailable for use by red blood cells. This leads to symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and weakness. Chronic mold exposure can therefore create a persistent inflammatory state that exacerbates iron deficiency by keeping iron locked away.

2. Gut Damage and Nutrient Malabsorption
As previously mentioned, mold toxins can cause damage to the gut lining, leading to a condition similar to leaky gut syndrome. When the gut lining becomes compromised, it can no longer absorb nutrients, including iron, as effectively. This may result in deficiencies in multiple nutrients, including iron, which is absorbed in the duodenum and upper jejunum, regions of the small intestine that can be particularly affected by inflammation.

  • Enteric Mycotoxin Effects: Studies have demonstrated that certain mycotoxins, such as those produced by *Fusarium* species, can directly damage intestinal epithelial cells, leading to increased permeability and reduced absorption of nutrients like iron. This gut damage not only leads to nutrient loss but also allows mycotoxins to enter the bloodstream more easily, spreading their toxic effects throughout the body.

3. Oxidative Stress and Cellular Damage
Mold toxins are known to increase oxidative stress, which can damage cells throughout the body. This oxidative stress can also affect iron metabolism. Iron plays a critical role in oxygen transport and energy production, and when oxidative stress is elevated, the body may sequester iron to limit its involvement in the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS).

  • ROS and Iron: Oxidative stress may lead to altered iron metabolism as the body tries to protect itself from further damage. This often results in reduced bioavailable iron, as iron is stored in a less reactive form within cells.

Clinical Case Studies Highlighting Mold-Related Iron Deficiency

A number of clinical case studies have explored the relationship between mold illness and iron deficiency. While these case studies provide valuable insights, it is important to note that mold exposure is rarely the sole cause of iron deficiency, and mold-related iron deficiency is often part of a broader syndrome involving multiple systems.

Case Study 1: Chronic Mold Exposure Leading to Iron Deficiency
In one well-documented case, a middle-aged woman presented with symptoms of fatigue, cognitive fog, and general malaise. Blood tests revealed low hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels, consistent with iron deficiency anemia. The patient lived in a house with a history of water damage, and high levels of Stachybotrys mold were found. After moving to a mold-free environment and undergoing a detoxification regimen, including the use of binders such as activated charcoal, the patient's iron levels improved without the need for iron supplementation.

Case Study 2: Pediatric Mold Exposure and Anemia
A pediatric case study described a young boy who developed severe iron deficiency anemia after prolonged exposure to mold in his school environment. Despite taking iron supplements, his hemoglobin levels remained low. It wasn’t until his parents removed him from the school and sought mold remediation for their home that his symptoms began to improve. This case suggests that environmental mold exposure may exacerbate pre-existing conditions or complicate standard treatment for iron deficiency.

Present-Day Treatments and Future Directions

Given the emerging evidence of the connection between mold illness and iron deficiency, treatments today are beginning to reflect this understanding. Approaches often include not only traditional antifungal treatments and mold remediation but also therapies aimed at restoring nutrient levels and reducing systemic inflammation.

1. Antifungal Therapies

  • Prescription Antifungals (NOT RECOMMENDED): Medications like itraconazole and fluconazole are commonly used to treat mold infections in individuals with compromised immune systems or severe symptoms.
  • Natural Antifungals (RECOMMENDED): Some patients opt for natural remedies like oregano oil, garlic extract, and caprylic acid, which have been shown to have antifungal properties.

2. Iron Supplementation and Nutrient Restoration
For individuals who develop iron deficiency as a result of mold illness, iron supplementation remains a key component of treatment. However, it is critical that the underlying mold exposure be addressed, or iron supplementation may not be effective. Additionally, some individuals benefit from supplements aimed at reducing oxidative stress, such as vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine, which may improve the body’s ability to utilize iron.

3. Detoxification and Gut Healing Protocols
Many practitioners now include detoxification protocols in their treatment of mold illness. These may involve the use of binders such as activated charcoal or bentonite clay to help remove mycotoxins from the body, as well as gut-healing protocols aimed at restoring the integrity of the intestinal lining. Supplements like glutamine, zinc carnosine, and probiotics are often recommended to repair the gut and improve nutrient absorption.


Nail psoriasis is simply treated as a nail fungus. Usually, any drug store sells over-the-counter natural treatments for both. Target, Walgreens, CVS or Walmart

The relationship between mold illness and iron deficiency is a growing area of research, with increasing evidence suggesting that mold exposure can interfere with iron metabolism and lead to systemic symptoms. Advances in understanding how mycotoxins affect the body’s ability to absorb and utilize iron are helping clinicians develop more effective treatment protocols for patients suffering from both mold-related illness and iron deficiency. As research continues to evolve, we can expect even more targeted therapies that address the root causes of these conditions and improve patient outcomes.