Stop the itch, start the healing

Quick Psoriasis Relief

You can heal, but it will take time, as you do, here is a few quick relief products with absolute results. 

Temporary relief while you are healing

Out of all the symptoms of psoriasis, the scalp and the itch were the worst. If your scalp was anything like mine, it was impossible to hide. The embarrassment of getting a haircut or going out in public was a horrendous weight on my ego and self-esteem. I looked and felt like a freak. These steps helped ease my road to recovery. They are not affiliate links, nor do we or anyone here get a commission for recommending these products. We are not doctors, so always check with your ductor first. Sometimes we will refer to doctors as "ductors", because they duck and doge the truth. 

These two topicals will make a huge difference, but only in maintenance. It was not long after that I learned the truth and took matters into my own hands, and learned how to get it gone, and it has been gone since.


Sphagnum Was My Savior, Gave Me Hope

1. It goes a very long way, so it really is not that expensive.

2. It gives extremely quick results

I tried numerous (more than 10) different tar/psoriasis shampoos, and I do mean numerous. I started at the local Walgreens and CVS and then turned to Amazon.  Some caused thinning hair, one made my scalp numb for months, and then I found Sphagnum.  This was the first step towards healing my psoriasis and gave me hope. It did keep coming back, but I felt better about going in public and my scalp looked better and less flakey. The problem was it kept coming back. I no longer need it after I did my treatment program, but I still keep a bottle around "just in case".

I started to use this shampoo all over as well, but it gets expensive if I use it all over.

Defense Antifungal Soap

1. It goes a very long way, so it really is not that expensive.

2. It gives extremely quick results

Finding this was totally accidental and is what also helped lead to a permanent fix for my crippling, depressing disease.  I had just completed a strict 3-month carnivore diet. The very next day I was craving carrots extremely bad and ate an entire bag of carrots. My crotch busted out almost immediately with a jock itch, the worst I have ever had or seen. It was a perfect circle extending several itches out around my manhood. This was panic mode as none of my 100 creams that used to work on jock itch did absolutely nothing. I found this on Amazon and had it delivered as soon as possible.  The day after I was relieved. 

I went on to use this all over, even my scalp, prior to Sphagnum. It made a huge difference and cleared my jock itch fast. This was the last time I used creams down there for a long time, but the problem was it just kept coming back. To also make things clear, I have fought jock itch my entire life since my youth. Easily "managed" with creams or over-the-counter powders; however, since I have used Oktas1, it has not returned for the first time since I was 20; this goes for my butt crack as well.

This will burn if you have open wounds. My body was so covered at the time I did not care, so I went through the hell. At the time I had to take cold showers because hot showers made my psoriasis itch to high hell. Now I take super hot showers again. Psoriasis and eczema are indeed a fungus, just like jock itch, ringworm, and nail fungus.

Aha Moment!

After scouring Reddit and other health forums, I finally had that aha moment. I do meditate a lot, and that has also led to great things in my life. However, this was one simple post, so simple. In fact, everyone just ran right over it, like a frog in the road. In the post, she said, I started taking L-Lysine, and my itch has stopped. This was important to me because I was itching so badly all over that I was bleeding and getting blood everywhere. Clothes, bed, couch, office chair.  It was bad. I had back scratchers all over the house and in my car. This led to more research, which ultimately rid me of my psoriasis.